Monday, February 14, 2011

Be My Valentine

I was out doing a few short errands in the metropolis of Ririe today and happened to drive past the cemetery.

There close to the road, were some bright red balloons tied to a headstone. The sight made me catch my breath, and realize how terribly sad I would be to have to take my Valentine to the cemetery. It saddened me to see someone had loved someone so much, and on this day of celebration of that love they had traveled to the cemetery to leave their valentine, because that loved one had moved on before them.

I again am so grateful to have my husband to love and hold, to have my babies to snuggle and kiss, to have my parents to send my love to. I am grateful for all my friends who care and send love to me, and I to them.

I believe in Heaven, and I know that there is Eternity. I know that someday my husband and children will have to go....but not before they all get to live life to the fullest, love to the fullest and be loved. I hope to go and be there with them to be able to always share my love with them and celebrate our love for each other.

I don't want my love to end with balloons tied to a headstone.

So I wanted to make sure that on this special day of love to anyone that I have missed telling. I love you, and I love your love, friendship, and warmth. I am your Valentine, please be mine.

I Love You.


Just Another Day in Paradise said...

I love you too honey, and I love your little family so much, which is why I pray everyday that you will take the necessary steps to ensure that you can be with your family forever. Eternal marriage and having your family sealed to you for all eternity, is a very real promise.

Stephanie Crow said...

I love you sis!!